Strategic plan

Healthy People, Healthy Places
KFL&A Public Health strives to protect and promote health by improving health equity and working together with partners and communities to help residents be as healthy as they can be.
We are directed by Ontario’s Health Protection and Promotion Act, the Ontario Public Health Standards, and the Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards. We develop and implement evidence-informed policies, programs, and services to address the public health needs of the residents of KFL&A Public Health.
We are committed to treating everyone with dignity and appreciating all people’s abilities and qualities. We value everyone’s unique skills and contributions while recognizing and leveraging differences.
We are honest, transparent, and trustworthy in all that we do. We meet high ethical and professional standards in our work and relationships by being principled in our approach and responsible in our actions. We are accountable for the effective, efficient, and responsible use of public resources.
We strive to meet high standards in all that we do. We are committed to delivering evidence-informed public health programs and services that are innovative, creative, and appropriate. We foster a culture of continuous learning to support our employees’ growth and organizational development.
We are committed to working together with individuals, partners, and communities to achieve common goals for better health and to accomplish our mission. Through partnerships that value a diverse range of experiences and expertise, we will create innovative solutions to public health issues.
We strive to ensure equity in our workplace, programs, services, and communities. We value social justice and recognize the necessity of tailoring our programs and services to the needs of the community, especially those that need it the most.
Strategic directions

Advancing equity
in all that we do
Leading the way in innovative public health
Championing the unique role of local public health
Advancing equity in all that we do |
KFL&A Public Health has created a thriving, equitable and inclusive workplace and has improved health equity through the agency’s work by:
Leading the way in innovative public health |
KFL&A Public Health has a culture of ingenuity, resourcefulness, and learning from experience such that we generate impactful public health actions and knowledge to improve population health by:
Championing the unique role of local public health |
KFL&A Public Health is recognized by the community for its unique role and contributions to population health by: