Early childhood educators
Please be patient as we work to bring educator resources from KFL&A Public Health to you in a format you can download for printing. In the meantime, if you are in need of any resources from us not listed below, please contact us.
As per the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) (2014), licensed child care centre (LCCC) operators must ensure that children attending their centre who are not in attendance at a school, are immunized as recommended by the local Medical Officer of Health, or have a valid exemption. This should occur at the time of registration and with any new updates in the child’s immunization record. A copy of the child’s immunization record or exemption must be maintained by the child care centre.
Ontario Publicly Funded Immunization Schedules |
In the KFL&A area, the medical officer of health requires that children are immunized against the following diseases according to Ontario's Publicly Funded Immunization Schedules:
Parents or legal guardians of children who are seeking medical or conscience or religious belief exemptions should be directed to contact the KFL&A Public Health immunizations team at 613-549-1232, ext. 1451. If a child has a valid medical or conscience or religious belief exemption, they must provide the original affidavit or exemption form to KFL&A Public Health, and a copy to their daycare provider. KFL&A Public Health offers immunization clinics throughout the year to those who do not have access to primary healthcare providers. |
Annual child care centre immunization review |
As required by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, KFL&A Public Health annually reviews immunization records of all children who attend an LCCC in the KFL&A area. Parents or legal guardians of children with incomplete records will be provided with written notice of overdue immunizations as well as instructions to report updated records to their LCCC and KFL&A Public Health once immunizations are received. To help keep our records as up-to-date as possible, KFL&A Public Health asks that child care operators report a list of children no longer attending their centre routinely, when applicable, by using the Child Care Discharges form. |
Child care staff and volunteer immunization |
Due to their close contact with young children, LCCC staff are at risk of contracting or transmitting communicable diseases such as influenza or pertussis (whooping cough). As a result, all LCCC staff and volunteers in the KFL&A region must have up to date immunizations before starting employment. Child care operators may use the Child Care Staff and Volunteer Pre-Employment Immunization Form to complete this process. This form should be completed by a health care provider. KFL&A Public Health will not complete immunization assessment forms for individuals. Immunization requirements specific to child care staff and volunteers include:
Immunization forms |
Food safety guidelines for school programs
To ensure the safety of foods offered to students, school programs are inspected to ensure they meet the minimum standards of Ontario Regulation 493/17 Food Premises.