COVID-19 resources for health care providers
Guidance documents designed for the health care sector including advice for management of cases and contacts of COVID-19 is available.
KFL&A Public Health has information on outbreak, case, and contact management guidance related to institutions on our infection prevention and control guidelines page.
- Vaccines for COVID-19 - Public Health Agency of Canada
- COVID-19 Resources - canVAX
- COVID-19 Vaccines - Centre for Effective Practice (CEP) '
- Common questions about COVID-19 - Immunize Canada
- Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada - Public Health Agency of Canada
- Adverse event following immunization reporting for health care providers in Ontario - Public Health Ontario
- COVID-19 Vaccine-Relevant Information and Planning Resources - Ontario Ministry of Health
- COVID-19 Vaccines - Public Health Ontario
- Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine monograph
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine monograph
Local epidemiology
Updates about the status of respiratory illnesses cases in KFL&A.
Screening, testing, and case management for patients
National Case Definition: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - Government of Canada
- Testing Guidelines for COVID-19 - Public Health Ontario
COVID-19 Virus Test Requisition - Public Health Ontario
Guidance documents
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): guidance documents - Public Health Agency of Canada
Environmental Cleaning – Clinical setting
Maintaining a safe, clean and hygienic environment and minimizing microbial contamination of surfaces, items and equipment within the health care environment is increasingly recognized as an essential approach to reducing the risk of health care-associated infections for all patients/residents/clients, visitors and staff within health care settings. The best practices set out in PIDAC’s Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Infection Prevention and Control provide criteria for cleanliness in health care settings that may be adopted by environmental service managers for their use or for the use of contracted services.
Other considerations:
Follow your ‘terminal cleaning’ protocol for cleaning of a patient's room after discharge, transfer or discontinuation of precautions. See Appendix 6 in the Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections in All Health Care Settings, 3rd Edition for a sample ‘terminal cleaning’ procedure.
Ensure rooms have minimal equipment or supplies to help facilitate the environmental cleaning process.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) measures
As per IPAC Recommendations for Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Care of Individuals with Suspect or Confirmed COVID19 the recommended PPE when providing direct care for patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 includes a fit-tested, seal-checked N95 respirator (or equivalent or greater protection), eye protection, gown, and gloves. Other alternate appropriate PPE includes a well-fitted medical mask (surgical/procedure), or non-fit tested respirator, eye protection, gown and gloves for direct care of patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19.
Staff in all clinical offices should collect triaging information on the phone at the time of booking, if appropriate (e.g., same day or next day booking). Information collected should be based on symptoms of communicable disease or acute respiratory infection (ARI), such as cough, fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Additional screening, in keeping with the patient population, (e.g., chickenpox in pediatric populations, conjunctivitis in ophthalmology populations) may be added. Further information regarding IPAC practices can be found in Public Health Ontario’s Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical office Practice.
Specific IPAC measures include:
- Signage is displayed requesting patients with symptoms to wear a mask, perform hand hygiene upon entering the office, and practice cough etiquette.
- Performing hand hygiene (i.e., using alcohol-based hand rub or washing hands with soap and water) before entering and after exiting the patient’s room, and after taking off and disposing of personal protective equipment.
- Instruct the patient that if they need to cough or sneeze, to do so into a tissue and clean their hands or cough into their sleeve.
- Instruct the patient to wear a surgical or procedure mask if tolerated.
- In the community office setting, patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be placed immediately in a separate room with the door closed.
- Conducting examination procedures that minimize contact with droplets or aerosols (i.e., sitting next to rather than in front of a coughing patient).
- Wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19:
- The recommended PPE when providing direct care for patients with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 includes a well-fitted medical mask (surgical or procedure) or a fit-tested, seal-checked N95 respirator (or equivalent), eye protection, gown, and gloves.
- COVID-19 Guidance for the Health Sector - Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care - provides specific health care setting guidance for mask use.
- Use Airborne Precautions when aerosol generating medical procedures (AGMPs) are planned or anticipated to be performed on patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
- All staff that are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) need to be properly trained in the recommended steps for putting on and taking off PPE.
- Putting on Full Personal Protective Equipment | Public Health Ontario
- Taking off Full Personal Protective Equipment | Public Health Ontario
- Putting on Cone N95 Respirator | Public Health Ontario
- Taking off Cone N95 Respirator | Public Health Ontario
- Putting on Flatfold N95 Respirator | Public Health Ontario
- Taking off Flatfold N95 Respirator | Public Health Ontario
- Cleaning and disinfecting communal or shared equipment after use; pay attention to contact time on the label.
General resources and information for health care providers
- Interim Infection Prevention and Control Measures Based on Respiratory Virus Transmission Risk in Health Care Settings - Public Health Ontario
- Online IPAC courses - Public Health Ontario
- Orders, Directives, Memorandums, and other resources - Ontario Ministry of Health
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Map -Johns Hopkins
- Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome in adults - Public Health Ontario
Signage for health care settings
- Additional Precautions Signage and Lanyard Cards - Public Health Ontario
- Clinical Office Practice - Choose "Select a type of resource," then "sign" or "pocket card" - Public Health Ontario
Patient information sheets
- Infographic on Managing Stress, Anxiety and Substance Use during COVID-19 - Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
- COVID-19 awareness factsheets - Government of Canada
- Multilingual information sheets (e.g., How to self-monitor, how to self-isolate, and self-isolation: guide for caregivers, household members, and close contacts) - Public Health Ontario
- COVID-19 Information for the public - Ministry of Health
For an accessible version of a resource, please contact KFL&A Public Health