Safe water
Access to safe water is important for everyone. KFL&A Public Health plays a key role in guaranteeing that the drinking water, water used for recreational activities, and beach water, is safe.
Algae blooms
Harmful algae blooms can make you and your pets sick if you touch or drink the water. They make toxins that can hurt you. Learn how to stay safe from harmful algae blooms.
Drinking water
Many local municipalities provide water to their residents. Municipal water is treated, monitored and tested to make sure it complies with the Safe Drinking Water Act 2002 and provincial regulations. Contact your local municipality if you have concerns about the quality of municipal drinking water.
Well water
If you get your drinking water from a private well, you can have your well water tested for bacteria at no cost. Learn more about managing your well water.
Boil water advisory
If the water is not safe to drink, KFL&A Public Health's medical officer of health and the local government will tell people to boil it first before using it. This is called a "boil water advisory". View tips on how to safely prepare water during a boil water advisory.
Community water fluoridation
Water fluoridation is the process of monitoring and adjusting the fluoride level in drinking water to the recommended, optimal level to prevent tooth decay. KFL&A Public Health supports community water fluoridation as an effective way to prevent tooth decay. Municipal water in the KFL&A region does not have optimal levels of fluoride.