Small drinking water systems

If you provide access to drinking water to the public and it is not from a municipal source, you may be operating a small drinking water system (SDWS). These systems must comply with the requirements under the law, Small Drinking Water Systems, O. Reg. 319/08.
Examples of regulated small drinking water systems include:
- Seasonal trailer parks, campgrounds or resorts with 6 or more connections
- Restaurants on private water systems
- Hotels, motels and bed and breakfast accommodations
- Recreational and athletic facilities
- Places of worship
- Places where service clubs and fraternal organizations meet
- Any place offering public access to a drinking water fountain or shower
- Fact sheets and guidance for small drinking water system operators - Government of Ontario
Training for small drinking water system operators
- Small Drinking Water Systems Training Course - Walkerton Clean Water Centre
Licensed laboratories
- Licensed laboratories - Government of Ontario
Laboratory services notification form
- Small drinking water system owners and operators must notify the local public health unit in writing regarding which licensed laboratories will test drinking water samples.
Opening a new small drinking water system
- To notify the Medical Officer of Health for KFL&A Public Health of a new small drinking water system, please complete the Notice to Open or Reopen and Laboratory Services Notification forms, and submit a copy of both forms to our environmental health team.
Small drinking water system seasonal re-opening notice form
- If your small drinking water system has been inactive for more than 60 days, you must notify the Medical Officer of Health in writing of your intention to reopen your small drinking water system, using the online form.
- Please provide completed form and results to the health unit a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended opening date.
Notice of adverse test result and issue resolution form
- The Notice of Adverse Test Results and Issue Resolution form is for licensed laboratories and owners/operators of small drinking water systems to report adverse water quality incidents (AWQI).