Mpox vaccine clinics

Mpox vaccine (first and second doses) are now available to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria.
KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Ave., Kingston.
Walk ins and appointments available on Thursdays from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
If you have previously received 2 doses of the Mpox vaccine, a booster is not recommended at this time.
Mpox vaccine eligibility
Based on guidelines from the Ontario Ministry of Health, 2 doses of the pre-exposure mpox vaccine are available for individuals who are 18 years and older and meet one of the following criteria:
1. Two-Spirit, non-binary, transgender, cisgender, intersex, or gender-queer individuals who self-identify as belonging to the gay, bisexual, pansexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) community AND who meet one or more of the following:
- Have more than one partner
- Are in a relationship where at least one of the partners has other sexual partners
- Have had a confirmed sexually transmitted infection within the last year
- Have attended venues for sexual contact (e.g., bath houses, sex clubs)
- Have had anonymous sex (e.g., using hookup apps) recently.
2. Sexual partners of individuals who meet the criteria above
3. Sex workers (regardless of gender, sex assigned at birth, or sexual orientation) or who are a sexual contact of an individual who engages in sex work
4. Staff or volunteers in sex-on-premises venues where workers may have contact with fomites potentially contaminated with Mpox
5. Individuals who engage in sex tourism (regardless of gender, sex assigned at birth, or sexual orientation)
6. Individuals who anticipate experiencing any of the above scenarios
- Household contacts of those identified for pre-exposure vaccination eligibility above AND who are moderately to severely immunocompromised or who are pregnant may be at higher risk for severe illness from mpox infection and may be considered for pre-exposure vaccine. Individuals who meet this criteria should contact their healthcare provider for more information.
7. Research laboratory employees working directly with replicating orthopoxviruses are eligible to receive two doses of Imvamune®, 28 days apart as post-exposure vaccination or pre-exposure vaccination if there is an ongoing risk of exposure.
Visit our Mpox page to learn more